Production Possibility Graphs: Key Assumptions:
-Production possibility graph, curve, or frontier, or PPG, PPC, PPF.
-Show alternate ways to allocate resources; show us the most that society can produce if it uses every available resource to the best of it's ability.
• Key assumptions:

-Full employment: (Not that everyone is working) You cant have 100% employment due to manyt factors. It simply means 80 to 90% factory capacity or a 4-5% unemployment rate.
-Productive efficiency: A situation in which the economy could not produce any more of one good without sacrificing production of another good.
-Fixed resources: Land, Labor, Capital
-Fixed technology: Technology stays the same relative to the period used.
-No International trade: No international trade is happening or is represented by the graph.
-Two goods produced: Assuming there are only two goods produced and represented on the given graph.
-Show alternate ways to allocate resources; show us the most that society can produce if it uses every available resource to the best of it's ability.
• Key assumptions:
-Full employment: (Not that everyone is working) You cant have 100% employment due to manyt factors. It simply means 80 to 90% factory capacity or a 4-5% unemployment rate.
-Productive efficiency: A situation in which the economy could not produce any more of one good without sacrificing production of another good.
-Fixed resources: Land, Labor, Capital
-Fixed technology: Technology stays the same relative to the period used.
-No International trade: No international trade is happening or is represented by the graph.
-Two goods produced: Assuming there are only two goods produced and represented on the given graph.
The information on this post was great however I suggest that you should explain your visual a little bit more. It feels out of place especially since the size of the picture is quite small as well.